Or water/sky/color winter.
The winter in Cyprus is a special time. It is more enchanting and romantic than any other season.
During all 6 months of the summertime, there’s no chance you can catch a glimpse, a second of these skies and waters.

February, 2019. Debenhams Olympia, Limassol
It is still an unobtrusive source of Vitamin D (not to mention Vitamin Sea).

January, 2019. Limassol Marina
You could see single surfers practicing their skills in regular energetic waves of the Limassol coast. And you will see more of them near San Rafael resort, accompanied by their wind-surfing brothers.
You might be surprised by oranges and lemons floating through the streets, taken by the street rivers after heavy winter rains.

December, 2018. Unknown grapefruit garden on Makariou III Avenue, Limassol
And you will definitely be enchanted by the bright greenery born by the same winter showers and will definitely NOT be disturbed by avalanches of noisy tourists when having a stroll along the Molos Promenade. A great advantage in comparison with the summertime.
The winter Molos is the place where I learnt to meditate and calm the consciousness down. When meditating alone here, the only upsetting moment might be if some Cypriot decides to get acquainted with you:
—Gia sas!
No notice
—Gia sas, hello, are you okay?
Still sitting on the bench with the eyes closed, pretending the greeting is addressed to someone else
—Hello, why are you breathing deeply? Are you okay?
—Yes, sure, thank you for asking, I am meditating.
—Is everything fine? Why are you breathing deeply with the eyes closed?
—I am just meditating and trying to concentrate on my breath. Thank you.
—Where are you from?
—I am from Russia. I am meditating now 🙂
—Wow! Can you translate this sentence for me please?
—Well, yes, sure…
I love Cypriots, they are not indifferent. But they are so used to the marvels of their island that they already do not see the point in sitting on the bench in front of the sea with the eyes closed. Something should be wrong here.

February, 2019. The Molos, Limassol.
This is how a “freezing +14 winter” looks like.
The one Cyprus is experiencing now, in 2018-2019, is considered to be the most humid since 1989, while December 2018 was the rainiest in 15 years. It is also one of the coldest in a few years (to be more accurate – since the time the Cypriots started to collect information), with the lowest temperature in the Troodos Mountains hitting -12C.
Undoubtedly, it was so hard for us to stand these horrible conditions (as dignified Russian citizens, we are used to the bone-rattling -25). So we decided to stay here for another winter.
Welcome to the Winter Meditationland!
Alisa Abramova